Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Differences in Churches...

The Differences in Churches:

LDS - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
BCC - Bayside Community Church (west campus)

Both have very good people...
Both have a good spirit in the service...

LDS is run well n respectfully n joyful but dry for my taste, music is also respect but old fashion...
LDS is very formal, n their music is old old fashion, like most older churches they stay the same n don't like change like in dress n music... I feel like I stand out because how I dress n all the stuff around my neck n stuff on my wheelchair...

BCC is run well but more relaxed n with smiles n joy n the music is modern n cool n way more upbeat...
BCC has a casual dress  n more relaxed, I still am a stand up at BCC but not too distracting from the others there...

I feel more at ease n in the right company @ Bayside...
The LDS try to make you feel welcome they are very loving people I can not fault them, they love Jesus Christ n it upsets me when people say that Mormon's aka LDS are not Christian being a member of the LDS from 10/1990 to 10/2011 I know they love Christ...
Think many that say LDS are not Christians just never took the time to research the LDS church n people, they are a very family minded group with strong morals n passing on those moral on to their children...
Think many Christians forget what Jesus said "Judge not yet yee shall be judge" aka how you judge others will be how you will be judged by Jesus n best not to judge at all n remember what Jesus wants us to do, Love our neighbor as we want to be Loved!!!

I feel understanding other's faiths helps a person better know other n be able to get a better interaction with them, if we nothing or just know rumors of what other faiths do or believe we are truly blind to the truth... I believe 1st Love n Respect others n 2 take some time to learn what other faiths believe n I mean read books that are written about that faiths, I am not a reader(reading is hard n challenging for me) so I research by simple books like 'Complete Idiot's Guide to...' or '...for Dummies' books n also watch documentaries about faith n beliefs n never go by what others think/believe... I dislike when people put down n say very bad stuff n from my own experience I have heard untrue things about different faiths because 1 I was a member of a faith that was bad mouthed 2 I researched about a faith that a person was wrong about n it happen more then you might think... People are easily swayed by what others tell them with out even checking the facts, many humans judge on rumors alone which is sad/disturbing... I also dislike people calling a faith a cult when it isn't, think of this: what you think the Jewish people n Pagans thought of the early Christians they most likely believe Christians were a part of a cult n I know for a period of time were killed by Romans n also know different Christians often disagreed with each other n even killed each other n most likely believed the other was following a false belief so, since we are not all knowing we should follow Jesus original teachings Love/Honor God n His rules n to Love Your Neighbor n Not to Judge Others that includes their lives, faiths or lack of any...

My advise HUG a fellow human that believes in Islam, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon, Hindu, Atheist, Pagan, n the many Christian faith n etc...

So, I(Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.) believe that Jesus wants me to spread/share/teach LOVE each other n give Big HUGs to Everyone, Everyone Man n Woman!!!


Wrote by,
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr 
On November 3rd, 2013

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